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Old 02-15-13, 10:08 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by AndreasT View Post
I think I have had about 5 encounters with Fido planes, always at night and they never ever spotted me.
Makes me wonder?!?
With sh3 engine is impossible to only spawn randon groups just at day light (only with script groups this can be possible, but in a very rectricted way). What is possible is to make them almost blind at night to follow a bit the real thing. Another big problem is that the night and day isnīt always at the same common times. In some positions at Sh3 world you can have sun at 3:00am or night at 10:00 am (iīm not speaking about the poles). So itīs a compromisse, like the majority of mods for sh3. Hope that you have more luck ( or it will be a bad thing?) to encounter the torpedo planes at day light next time. Anyhow, is also (or shall be) difficult to you to locate them at night, no?
If you use them on a single self made mission you always can then script the torpedo bombers just at day light.

Resume: to have topedo bombers more correctly into the campaign game we need to put them on random groups. Random groups in sh3 engine donīt know if itīs day light or not. To avoid this problem i made them almost blind at night. But this was my approach&solution for this problem, the mod is open to anyone adapt it to thier likes, as we have not "the best" solution speaking on sh3 engine.

One gamer's must-have mod is another gamer's waste of time.
-Sailor Steve
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