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Old 01-25-13, 08:40 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Cybermat47 View Post
It would do a better job of boosting multiculturalism
I don't want to do that

than a person saying how stupid Christianity, Islam
Yes, I do that.

and people from Turkey
No, I never accused anyone of being stupid because he is Turkish. I claim that religious ideologies and especially Islam educate people to be stupid, and that cultural habits and traditions do their part in forming a people's general mentality. I am criticising ideology, not race. I could direct a similar criticism at extreme nationalism, for example. People are hardly born stupid - they are being turned into stupids, by ideology.

EDIT: Fezzes are hats.
Oh my! As if I did not know that. So your culture assessments rank not only about fast food, but also around hats. It becomes better and better. What'S next? The dominant colour of cars in the streets?

And I never said anything about human rights, just that your nonsensical hatred of Turks annoys me.
Yes, you listed fast food - and hats! - as are reply to my hinting at differences in cultures' values, as if fast food and hats are defining the real value of a culture'.

Originally Posted by Cybermat47 View Post
I definitely have more reason to hate Turks. You (...) set, while thousands of my countrymen were slaughtered by them at Gallipoli.
Ah, you hate a whole country/people because a long time ago their forefathers and your forefathers engaged in war against each other.

But you take it upon me to lecture and ridicule me.

That is like me saying I hate "the Russians" for Stalingrad, or me - more Prussian than anything - saying I hate "the French" for Leipzig.

You are right in choosing to stay out of this thread. It's the best thing you can do.

I do not hate "Turks", and I do not base my attitude towards them on the Lego incident. But i base my attitude on the claims they raise towards Europeans, the haughtiness I met when having been in turkey for months; I base my attitude on the content of Islamic ideology; I base upon the many, many, many negative headlines Turkish and Arab "migrants" make in Germany if your read between the lines an sometimes even the lines themselves and refuse to believe the political correctness propaganda, giving us multiple times as many headaches than they add in positive to our community in this country; I base my attitude on statistic facts from the fields of education, jobs, crime, employment and unemployment, failing integration, bypassing law and police, and establishing underground parallell societies that actively engage in hindering integration; I base upon the fact that bagatelle cases get filed by them in masses to overflood the courts and by the sheer numbers enforce small and more small concession to Islam and Sharia and Turkish nationalism; I base my attitude on many Turks having brought Erdoghan to power who turns Turkey into a medieval Islamic society again where women'S rights and secularism as tried to be implemented by Attaturk are no longer just under pressure but are in open fleeing, in a country where more journalists are being help in prison than in any other Middle Eastern AND European country, Christians and Jews get openly discriinated and get disadvantaged at the courts; I base my attitude on the observation that a local female parliamentarian got sexually harassed and threatened, complained at some higher regional governor, and got send home with that governor's reply that she is only a woman and that Allah will not allow that she could escape here fate as a woman; I base my attitude on the erosion enforced by the AKP that destroys the Turkish army' constitutional duty to protect the state against attempts to dismantle it of it's secular constitutional order, I base my attitude on the fact that Arabs and Turks in more and more schools in Germany haunt German schoolkids with german-bashing anti-German mobbing and racist slurs and racist violence; I base my attitude on the many many newspaper reports we have where some act of street crime, rape and violence gets reported and the suspects being described as "persons" or "men" without further description and in 9 of ten cases we later learned that it were not just any kind of men but that it were persons with an Arab or Turkish migration background; I base my attitude on the high number of enforced marriages and enforced bride imports that we see being done by the Turkish communities in Germany; I base my attitude that the Turks of the first generation to a prominent degree still do not speak German although they have stayed for the better part of their lives in Germany now; I base my attitude on that due to American pressure on Germany the Turkish state felt encouraged to violate the initial treaties from the early 60s that regulated the conditions under which a limited number of Turkish workers could come to Germany for two years only and without bringing in their families and then stay forever - something that the Germans and the state never wanted but had to accept because Washington set the German government under almost imperial pressure; I base my attitude on the fact that there is not a single day I can open the newspapers without some stuff about another "controversy" being risen by the Turkish or Arab communities or Salafists is being reported on page one; I am basing my attitude on the fact that I and we get brainwashed to believe that as non-Muslims we nevertheless have to care for the halal-signs on food packages and should not eat non-halal food in Kindergardens and schools; I base on the fact that education is failing on the majority of Turkish and Arab children in our schools, that education by their parents at home is failing miserably, and that this causes their existences to fail, making them dependent on social wellfare and in the end making them taking more from the social system than they ever pay into it; I base on the fact that many Turkish families that we would call "Bildungsbürgertum" over here and who indeed want to integrate and contribute to Germany and want to become and be seen as Germans, warn us native Germans time and again against our suicidal tolerance for what that majority of the Turks is doing to us and that we should be more determined in defending our values and culture and laws against the demands of Islam - and we fail on them and ridicule them and even call them liars and propagandists although they should know it better than most of us do; I base my attitude on our miserable failure in protecting those seeking refuge from Islam and persecution when at the same time we nice-talk and clean-wash the reasons in Islam that made them fleeing and that made them fearing for their lives; I am basing my attitude on the naturalness and arrogance by which the Turkish ministry for religion - yes, they have that indeed - claims the right to have a word in internal German policies and the way in which we design our education system, and that the claim the right to decide which teachers for religious affairs get sent from turkey to Germany and teach here, without speaking a single word of German; I base my attitude on repeated remarks by Erdoghan, who gets applauded by the huge masses, that Turks in germany should resists to integration, should establish a Turkish substate inside Germany, should see themselves as Islam'S stormtroop driving into the heart of Europe, should never forget that they are Turks primarily, and who claims that demanding Turks to integrate is - his words - a crime against humanity; I base my attitude on the arrogance by which young Turks often behave, and treat women, and the naturalness by which they argue that of course they do not want to be Germans at all, but that first and primarily they indeed are Turkish, and that German girls are good sluts and that f#cking them is okay since they are only infidel sluts; I base my attitude in Turkish-German footballers living in Germany, having lived here since long, even being born here, who attacked Özil some time ago when Özil said that he plays for the German national team - while they demanded him to play for the Turkish (Özil is being born in Germany, btw.); I base my attitude on empirical findings that show that third generation Turks are more orthodox and Germany-hostile than their first generation grandparents ever have been, and that at least around one third of them, like amongst arabs too, accept violence if that is needed to establish Shariah as the fundament of a future Muslim German state and to abandon our constitution; I base on the intel service's observation that groups like the Salafists are winning more and more support and new members in Germany, and are more and more able and willing to commit terror and violence, as we already have seen in Salafist demonstrations last year - it is becoming worse, not better, that means - I base my attiude on the observation that the overwhelming of oh so peaceful oh so moderate Muslims in Germany silently tolerate these things and do not stand up against them and silenty assist them by silently not hindering them but silently tolerating them to be taken in their name and at the same time demanding privileges for Muslim communities regarding laws and law enforcmeent and monitoring radical in their middle.

So many sometimes more sometimes less important aspects and details, in the final totality painting a very bad and negative picture of a completely failed and messed up integration - that gets actively refused by the majority. Should I continue? For example with the school were friends of mine have send one of their daughters to, where they had a festivity after the christmas holidays, and the many Turks and Arabs there said in an apparent message of good will that they would like to contribute to it be managing the catering and food all by themselves, completely, of course it would be halal, but that would be good for all children, not just for Islamic children - and who later got told by their retarded azz of a Imam that they shall not seek company with infidels in Germany and should quit on the action, so that when he festivity should go along early January and everyone was waiting for the food and catering, nothing and nobody came - because the Muslims parents were not even caring enough to inform those stupid infidels that their imam has ruled that they should not go along with their catering project? So that the stupid infidel parents had to scramble in haste and hurry with half the afternoon already gone to save what still was there to be saved and to keep the disappointment within some limits? Happened here, just days ago, 50 km away from me. Or what was it with that mosque that some years ago they wanted to enlarge over here, in my city district where there practically live no Muslims at all? I was amongst the organisers of the resiotence to that, that'S why I know that story from inside. A neighbour of that mosque wanted to see his ground and house, under the premisse that it shall not be used to enlarge that mosque. He found a buyer, and later we learned that this buyer was a strawman who gave false information about his identity and who villated against integral parts of the treaty. We sued him - he was a strawman of that mosque community, they got a verdict against them and were found guilty of fraudery, the sale was declared non-valid. Afterwards, the other guys told me in my face that of course they had lied to us, else they would not have gotten what they wanted. When I asked whether that kind of betrayal and lying was up to Islamic ethical rules, they said that it cannot be unethical to lie and betray if it is for the sake of spreading Islam. And they smiled when explaining that to me. To them, I was just another infidel piece of #%+§. We had formed a small Bürgerinitiative, after we had won the court case, our chairman got one day beaten up in front of his house, his wife got repeatedly harassed, some others got intimidated on the streets to, I myself got paper letters in my mailbox with threats to kill me.

Such "guests" nobody needs to like or tolerate. We have migrants from all parts of the world, all continents, all cultures. And usually we have no problems with them. Not with the North Americans. Not with the middle and South Americans, not with the many Japanese, Koreans and many Vietnamese and some Chinese that we have. Not with the many non-Muslim Africans. Not with the Russians and Danes and Poles and Dutch and French and the Brits. Currently many young Spaniards are coming, and Greeks. Be welcome you all. The onyl ones setting negative headlines and dominating the bad news and failing and refusing to integrate time and again - are people coming from Muslim countries who are not from that minority amongst these Muslim migrants that explicitly flee from Islamic persecution.

Beside all that, I have spend some time in Turkey myself, too, and that was not the typical tourist program. Of all Muslim countries I have been in, only Iran had me staying even longer. A little bit I have learned about these two countries, but possible that my views differ from their self-description.

And when taking all this together - you want to say I am just about this Lego story?

Integration is a debt to be delivered by the newcomers. And it is non-negotiable. What many of these newcomers from Muslim countries instead demand is that we should adapt to them. Okay, people: pack your things and p!ss off and get out of my home country, I say to these. And try to live in your dark places of origin in such free, liberal and comfortable ways that we enjoy over here. It should be easy, if your Islam really is that precious and superior as you claim. Which raises the question of if we are really that bad and intolerant and Islamophobic and racists as you claim all the time - why have you even come to us in the first? You came to us, we did not come to your countries. Is it just about our babes lying half-naked on the beaches? You came to us, the debt to adapt is upon you, and if you cannot or do not want to do that, leave voluntarily, or feel the boot. And do not forget to take your freaking Islam with you, the paper the Quran is printed on is so toxic that it would just mess up our paper recycling system.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 01-25-13 at 09:11 AM.
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