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Old 01-24-13, 08:24 AM   #1286
Join Date: Jan 2013
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I dont think that ship inertia is the problem at all. I have noticed that wenever I CTD'd at least in my case it happened after clicking on the torpedo tube button. I got rid sound mods, silentmichals interia along with IRAI and it's been over a week since the game runs smooth as it should be. What is worth to mention I did clean install of the game and applied NoUplay patch Since than I stopped messing around with modes and all my earlier problems dissapeared.

All in all greate game with all that hard work and time peeps put into. Althought as a promising novice I've still got few questions:

- Is it normal that whenever I'm about to enter the port my navigator can't calculate a proper position on the map? Sometimes the fix given is few miles away from my actual position?

- Ocasionally when enemy ships blow up they tend to shot up in the air couple hundread feets which looks to me more like a game bug?

- There seems to be no penalty for sinking allied ships (I'm not good with history and may be wrong but I scored few point for sinking finnish vessels altought I didn't try it wit german ships)

- Once started do I have to accasionally adjust real navigation script to fit current time ar leave it running as it is?
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