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Old 01-18-13, 07:56 PM   #79
Killerfish Games
Cold Waters Developer
Join Date: Aug 2012
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v1.04 Gameplay Movie
Today we have a movie to demonstrate the new gameplay coming in version 1.04.

The battle begins with an enemy escort carrier and two heavy cruisers closing in on an allied escort carrier. Our aim is to bomb the enemy carrier while avoiding the heavy cruiser escorts.

First phase of our turn is movement where we switch to flank speed and pull hard to port (left).

After movement is done, the next phase is to take an action. We select "Bomber Airstrike" and a green aircraft attack marker appears. Next we select the heavy cruiser and use the red slider to move the aircraft attack direction along the center line of the targeted ship. The green slider rotates the direction around the ship enabling any vessel to be attacked at any point from any direction.

To avoid anti-aircraft from the cruisers, final adjustments are made to strike the center of the far side of the target. Tapping "Launch" sends our bomber on its way.

Note that in v1.04 we've freed up the camera and you will now be able to pan and zoom when following aircraft, bombs, shells, torpedoes as well as during all enemy attacks against your ships.
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