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Old 01-09-13, 11:09 PM   #1086
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I'm reading "Neutral Shores", by Mark McShane. From the back cover: "The Battle for the Atlantic affected coastal communities right across Ireland and, from September 1939 to the last days of the war in 1945, Ireland was host to a constant flow of casualties from the longest campaign of the Second World War. In "Neutral Shores", Mark McShane tells the stories of merchant navy ships and convoys attacked by the deadly German U-boats and anti-shipping bombers off the Irish coast, and of the harrowing fight for survival of crews left adift in fragile lifeboats, whose only hope of rescue lay in reaching Ireland's shores. "
One story that I found amazing was one of an officer on a merchant ship, who, when a torpedo struck his ship, was knocked into an open hold and swam out the side of his ship from the hole made by the eel!
A good read!
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