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Old 12-14-12, 12:21 AM   #1054
Albrecht Von Hesse
Posts: n/a
Default updated displacement values mod

From the readme:

The MFM3.2 dispacement correction mod updates displacement values in iambecomelife's Merchant Fleet Mod Prerelease No. 3.2 for Silent Hunter 3. There were some ships that had incorrect 'mass' and/or 'displacement' values; for instance, the original surface displacement values for AO01A, AO02A, O01B, and O02A were 900,000 [tons].

I decided to go, one-by-one, through every ship in the MFM3.2 Data/Sea folder. For each one I checked the displacement documented in the .cfg file, then opened up the .sim file and set mass to zero and then set surfaced displacement to the same value as given in the .cfg file.

Instead of supplying all of the files contained in the MFM3.2 mod, the MFM3.2 dispacement correction mod only changes the .sim files. This way the mod is much smaller, and so much more quickly downloaded. Because of this you must *first* enable iambecomelife's MFM3.2 (via JSGME) and then enable the MFM3.2 dispacement correction mod.

All credit should go to iambecomelife. All I did was simply make some minor corrections to what is, by any definition, an immense and awesome mod.

~Albrecht von Hesse

Last edited by Albrecht Von Hesse; 12-14-12 at 01:39 PM. Reason: added MediaFire link
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