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Old 01-29-06, 04:48 AM   #22
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GlobalExplorer wrote:
Have you ever tried to write a parser for the .mis files that uses something "safe" like GetPrivateProfileString() ?? I did, and, depending on the language, it takes 10-15 minutes to parse one of the .mis files. Thats because for every access in the form (Key,Section), the whole file must be searched. With ~200.000 lines in one file this gets a bit, er, slow. My current parser reads the file into an array, and then parses it in one direction. So in fact, it parses the whole file in a bit more than the time one (!) access to GetPrivateProfileString() takes. I'm not saying this is the best practice, but it is very fast, and I think Ubi will do it in a similar way, though probably more robust.
I write my own parsers. And they are very fast. Since text only has to be read into an array once, access thereafter should also be very fast (if properly organised).

Irish1958 wrote:
Can this mod be used with IUB 1.02 and HT 1.47?
Sorry, no. HT 1.47 uses its own campaign files. I'm not familar with IUB, but it probably does too.

Concerning time compression (TC):
SH3 calculates the position of every unit (or unit block, such as a convoy) at every time unit (whatever the internal time tick may be). If you run at 1xTC then no unit, including your U-boat, has travelled very far when the update comes. At 128xTX, everything has moved 128 times further before updates occur. At 1024xTC everything has moved quite a distance before the update occur. So a ship or aircraft may jump suddenly into the middle of your field of view when it wasn't visible before. Alternatively, it may hop completely over the U-boat without either side ever seeing the other. I think use of TC above 512 is unwise, except to accelerate travel to remote patrol areas.

It is possible to use interpolation routines to check whether two units have hopped over each other without spotting one another. I've done it myself for a customer, but it is complicated and Ubisoft, probably wisely, has decided not to add the extra computational burden.

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