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Old 09-28-12, 08:24 PM   #1
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Default Escort NATO SAG mission - any hints?

After playing SC on and off, I finally made it to the 8th mission in the 688 campaign, but honestly, I don't see how to successfully complete this mission with all platforms completing the transit unharmed.

I'm 20 nmi ahead of a SAG that has to make a transit of about 93 nmi. Problem is, the group is steaming at 23 kn or more, so how will I be able to a) remain relatively quiet so as to detect enemy subs without b) running too great a risk without getting detected myself (and fired at) while c) remaining at least a bit ahead of the SAG for protection?

I don't know how this mission is supposed to be played. If I, say, sprint and drift for 6 minutes each at 20 and 10 kts, that'll make my average speed 15 kts, so after 2 1/2 hours, the SAG will have overtaken me. If I try to go faster, enemy subs will detect me, and I'll be too loud to hear incoming torpedoes. I managed to detect and take out a Kilo right at the start, but that's about it - all the other subs are lurking somewhere between the starting point end the goal line, and the area is swarming with them. Is it inevitable that eventually some of the surface platforms will get damaged or even sunk, or is there a way to make the transit in time while still taking out enemy subs?
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