Thread: Let's talk RSR
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Old 09-14-12, 05:15 PM   #11
Join Date: Oct 2007
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In RSR building a Target Solution is a matter of patience and skill, the longer you 'listen' the more it will build up. The better you position yourself the faster it will build. You can also try to identify the threat yourself by comparing the different sonar id's and come to a solution even faster, but that takes experience because if you get it wrong your tactical overview is kaputt.. Keep in mind that sea conditions play a vital role in this proces, when fighting subs try to find the right depth. Surface ships pose another treat but are usually much louder and easier to find, the trick is to find the subs in all that noice because most surface groups are guarded by one or more subs, or no at all but you can never be sure.

Soviet Tactics is another thing, they make 'Crazy Ivan' manouvres, ie. suddely stop and listen, so you have to keep an eye on that and cut your power immediatly. Some ships will allways use active sonar because they are so loud themselves. If you get detected the Soviets usually go all out and use active sonar to find you, and they will find you! It's a matter of hitting them first, get in this situation leaves you with one choice, all out attack on all ships and with most boats this can be done. Just be prepared to have to deal with alot of torpedoes and Heli's dropping them, surviving is hard but if you play for a while you will learn how they react to decoys and how to evade them by using skills like turning inside the torpedo or run towards it to pass it before it gets active, that will put you on the end of your seat every time!

Yes this game is hard, but all sims were hard in those days that's what so great about them!

I still fiddle around with RSR from time to time, if someone could just do a remake in flash that would be awesome

Good Hunting

Last edited by Kloef; 09-14-12 at 05:26 PM.
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