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Old 08-05-12, 03:33 PM   #9
Sailor man
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There is a way to make other submarines playable without messing around with the very magic dll. BUT you can not add more but "exchange".
out of some sleepless nights I found a "way" ..
You need the RA mod and JSteed's Database editor, you can download it at

Be sure you have a backup, just in case you mess up the database or to deinstall your new "playables". For example you want to exchange the Victor I to a November Class
submarine, you have to first exchange the 3d model in the database, be sure everythying is the same. open the 3d object dialog and search for "victor;november" now copy and paste the j3d file name from the november to the victor ,adjust the Waterline and click "apply" also change the animation (only for the screws possible dive planes not work correct). now go to object dialog. the same like before BUT LEAVE THE WEAPON slot UNTOUCHED. Also don't touch the sensor slot, becusse the sensor of the november are only AI not user. (you can not add sensor for playable, otherwise game crash) be sure you adjust the parameters the same like november. also adjust Sonar Profile to november. change the trust to 0032: SSN +23.
So, we still not finished now we open sensor dialog. you can look in object dialog wich sensors are use by the november and victor.
we now just adjust the mgk-300 sensors according to the parameters from the november sensors (something mgk-100 and mgk-200) I only changed the sonar sensors, there is no need to change the other sensors parameter also because the mgk-300 sensors only in use by victor but the other sensors like ESM, Radar are also in use by other units so we don't change them OK.
now open ship class dialog. search for the victor and change the name to NOVEMBER
(for other units if you wish also can change country) and overwrite the shipnames with the one from the November unit.
Now we open the mast dialog. search for "vic".
then parameters like following:
0056: Vic Radio CenterY 20.6 CenterZ 8.3
0072: Vic Periscope CenterY 26 CenterZ 8.3
0179: Vic1 ESM CenterY 21.4 CenterZ 7.8
0180: Vic Snorkel CenterY 23 CenterZ 5.85
0182: Vic Radar CenterY 22.2 CenterZ 8
for all: CenterX 0
(for other submarines you have to find out the coordinates by yourself )
clic apply
Now you still have your backup right?
Open it, we need it for reference only. now we have 2 november submarines, one too much, so the original AI November we will turn into an AI Victor I
just steps like before. Just you reference will be the backup original Victor I and you put the Values in AI November.
This time you can create sensors with orginal parameter from orginal Victor. So AI Victor will be the same like before also no messing with mast, AI not using it
Only change unit names from Novemeber to Victor I.
this way I changed my DWX like:
IRAN KILO to RUSSIAN TANGO (using playable November Sensors)
GHOST to CHINESE Improved HAN (using Victor III Sonar and GHOST TA)
Chinese KILO to NORTH KOREAN IMPROVED ROMEO (using playable November Sensors)
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