Thread: IRAI 0.0.37
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Old 06-05-12, 06:08 PM   #3
Admiral Donuts
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We're having some fun now


Sorry, I had a previous synopsis for you but my damn ISP went down as I tried to post it. Here's what I remember:

I always felt the escorts in 0030 didn't use their ASDIC enough to find me. Not now. With all the pings, my ears are sill ringing from wearing headphones so I wouldn't wake my wife.

After attacking a convoy, got a huge response from the escorts. I foolishly stayed at periscope depth to admire my work when they spotted my scope or tracked the torpedoes' bubble trail back to me. Either way, they zeroed in on me. Not right away, but quicker than with 0030. I used to stay at periscope depth because it was somewhat easy to escape. That might not be an option now.

They seemed to be using an expanding search pattern to find me. It looked like they took a section of ocean and methodically searched it. I don't normally do this but I was having so much fun that I decided to have a look up top to see all this and saw they had commited 8 destroyers to the search . . . 8 very pissed-off destroyers; a proper response.

Just when I thought I had given them the slip, they would go active with ASDIC and start blasting again. Wound up pushing the limits of the pressure hull. Crew's nerves were rattled but the Old Man eventually got them to safety.

I love this because now I must use my experience to escape rather than just going deep, shutting it down and going silent.

Also, had just started a previous patrol when attacked by a Mosquito bomber coming in low and fast. Got him as he flew over the boat but his bomb detonated close enough to the boat that the diesels and batteries took serious damage so I had to limp back to port.

Great job tweeking the AI. If they were "all knowing" I don't think I would have escaped. It seems balanced. Just enough that if I made a mistake they would sink me but if I made good decisions, I'd skip out of there. A lot of fun!

A good test might be when I use the pattern-running torpedoes on a convoy at night. They can hit a ship on the opposite side of a convoy. I'd like to see what the escorts do when it looks like there's a U-boat on that side. If they come after me regardless, then we know there's more tweaking to be done IMHO. Those torpedoes cause a lot of havoc!

If it's cool with you, I'll let you know if I see an inappropriate response from the AI.

Ubisoft should pay you modders royalties. For me, the game is unplayable without you guys.

Let me know if you have any more questions.
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