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Old 05-22-12, 05:15 PM   #5
Digger Heinz
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Hagerstown, Maryland
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The name is Digger Heinz. I've been playing quite a little while, however I've not been very good about posting on forums. My bad!

While SHIII is my all time favorite... I'm currently exploring SH5. All I can say is...
Thank GOD for you modders out there!!! While there are too many to name, I will say that your efforts do not go unnoticed or under appreciated. Many many thanks, you guys!~~

One wonders why Ubisoft doesn't hang out round here to find fresh talent...after all it's not like you HAVE to be there to do the work, as we see by the fine mods available here.

The name... Digger Heinz came from a freind of mine, whom I met while stationed in Germany.... Baumholder, for anyone who would know where that was... I was a Tac Com, specialist!

Nuff about the military... a huge thank you for all that you do people. I will try to contribute as I can to the forums...

Your Mate,

Digger Heinz
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