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Old 05-14-12, 04:25 PM   #1703
frau kaleun
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Originally Posted by BossMark View Post
Sarah and Ulfric just before the battle of Whiterun, after the war I think shes going to ask him to marry her
Too late, Ulfric and Eydis are already engaged.

And I already know what he's getting for a wedding present, it'll be that full set of very rare Blades armor and a Blades sword that I found when I opened up Sky Haven Temple for Delphine and Esbern. I'm not sure what he's getting me yet but I have the very distinct feeling that it will be the Jagged Crown, since my bringing it to him was sort of the start of our courtship. And it seems like an appropriate helm for the nation's #1 dragonslayer and future queen.

For the honeymoon I think we're going to go see if there are any Thalmor still skulking around their old embassy, and then maybe kill the dragon up on Mt. Anthor that his city guards won't stop talking about. Also I think we will probably go eliminate the Boethiah cultists that have set up camp here in Eastmarch, especially seeing as how one of them tried to kill him after the Battle of Solitude.

Unfortunately the wedding will probably not take place until Eydis can cure herself of lycanthropy because she hasn't gotten up the nerve to tell him that she let Aela and Skjor talk her into becoming a werewolf. This is why Meeko always comes along to sleep at the foot of the bed in the Palace when she visits... just so she has a fall guy (er... fall dog?) if she accidentally howls in her sleep. Or poops on the rug.
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