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Old 05-09-12, 05:00 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Herr-Berbunch View Post
DCS: A-10C anyone? Or DCS anything, if they're not AAA. . .

And there is still hope for the latest IL-2, it's not been given up on by the devs or the community. Yet.
I wouldn't say DCS qualifies as AAA game in terms of production values or budget. A good example of a AAA sim would be Birds of Steel, but they are also a huge exception to the rule.

Also I think bringing in racing sims is a bit dishonest. Might as well mention the amazingly popular Farming Simulator and Railworks while we're at it, but they're not really what immediately spring to mind when we talk sims, are they?

Either way, like the guy said in the other thread - SHO is made by a different studio that never had anything to do with SH4 or SH5 so bitching at them is pointless since they most likely have very little design input anyway so what is bitching at them because you have an axe to grind with UBI going to accomplish anything? And I'm not saying you're not entitled to voicing your opinion, but we heard this already with SH5: "wah wah they changed the game bah drm bah online bah boycott".

But hey, the discussion is pointless. Go on and continue bitching against UBI for being a big profit-hungry corporation. Complaining on forums about how subsims suck is bound to be more productive than trying to develop your own subsim the way you want it to play.

Guess that's why I never could find a motivated programmer to work with.
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