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Old 05-09-12, 04:20 PM   #4
Ocean Warrior
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Originally Posted by Julhelm View Post

Believe it or not, I actually agree with most of your points. What I disagree with is the notion that constant bitching brings any positive change.
Constant bitching? The game was announced on the 27th or something. I guess we're all supposed to silently just analyze the currents of the game industry and keep our opinions to ourselves?

Well that does it. Time to go delete about 60 forum accounts since I won't need them anymore.

Originally Posted by Herr-Berbunch View Post
DCS: A-10C anyone? Or DCS anything, if they're not AAA. . .

And there is still hope for the latest IL-2, it's not been given up on by the devs or the community. Yet.
Flight sims seem to be totally different from the rest of the sims, though there are also a number of really high fidelity racing sims out there as well. Subs don't seem to have such luck. But then again the death of MS Flight Sim is kind of like killing the most loyal customer base in sim history. If that can happen there's pretty much no way any of the rest of us can consider our loyalty any kind of security against them taking the game in another direction we don't want.

It occurs to me that maybe Ubi decided to go F2P after they saw Microsoft release with perhaps a measure of success their new F2P replacement to the venerable Microsoft Flight Simulator.

It certainly is a transition from big publisher to indie publisher these days. On the one hand it seems like it should be a fairly easy transition with where game development and distribution has gone, as in its become easier. With that said, its just baffling to wonder why big mega companies like Ubi and EA can't manage to target multiple audiences. I mean F2P doesn't exactly strike me as something a AAA sim player would really go for, no matter how many teen agers there are on Xbox live.

I think its just a case of a bunch of suits who dont even understand the product they sell seeing one format for making all their money and trying to force every shape with a jagged corner they can find under their roof into that round hole.

I really hope that EA and Ubi and companies like that crash and burn. Monopolies on the gaming industry and stifling creativity. This is one of the depressing results of successful capitalism.

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