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Old 05-09-12, 12:55 PM   #58
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Cheech Marin?
Oddly, he is viewed with ambivilence by the Latino political community. He does have supportive views of general Latino issues, but is not "Mexican enough" for the die-hard political activists. For them, he really has not spoken strongly enough on their key issues of immigation, etc. He is not enough of a raving ideologue to suit their tastes. Remember, Cheech was born in Los Angeles (native born American citizen) and is the son of a Los Angeles Police officer (his mom was a secretary, as I recall). Although I ,myself, am not Mexican, I know how the Mexican community view harshly those Latinos who are not Mexican or are not "Mexican enough". Marin is well-educated (college degree), well-read, is not very fluent in Spanish, is a patron of the arts, and really is not easy to stereotype as a "Mexican". He is also not a far left leaning liberal; he is rather more of a moderate on a great many issues. Aside from trotting him out to fill in the wide gap in the field of well-known/liked Mexicans at public functions, the Latino community seems to generally ignore him. I feel for his position since I have had to deal with far greater discrimination and ill-treatment from the Mexican community than from any other community here in Los Angeles...

Originally Posted by Tribesman
But that would be even more disgustingly radical, those seperatists rejected the church and the state and formed a commune where everyone supposedly worked for and was subservient to the common good...bloody radicals from the 1600s eh.
And they were illegal immigrants, too!
Reminds me of a bumper sticker I used to see in the late 60s/early 70s:

"The Indians Had Lousy Immiration Laws"...

This would offend all on Capitol Hill and PA Ave. Sadly, the vessel will probably still have a loan due on it.
So maybe we should name the ship USS Loan and say we've floated a loan?...
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