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Old 04-27-12, 09:22 PM   #110
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The fact is Simulation = hard the companies of today want to toss out games that give instant gratifaction with minimal effort in learning the controls or concepts of what makes the game work.

We are a dying breed and a very, VERY small portion of the costumer base for these companies. Modern Warfare, Battle field, Assassins Creed, Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, Madden, Halo, Uncharted... if you aren't one of these games or VERY VERY similar then you simply aren't even up for consideration as a big seller.

That said I think its time we all start looking to the indie developers they are really starting to produce some quality stuff and all I can say is games like Grimrock blow me away it is nostalgia at its best, perhaps not everybodies favorite genre but it is surely a good sign and perhaps someday an indie developer will make a subsim but I know it won't ever be an EA title unless the Subs can fly and do barrel rolls.
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