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Old 03-24-12, 11:56 PM   #1523
frau kaleun
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I've gotten quite a few archery killcams this evening after getting the new patch, a couple were pretty awesome. Just took out a Dwarven Centurion Master in three shots, went into the final chamber of Mzinchaleft and he was standing in the charging station. Kind of assumed he would wake up when I started poking around in there so...

I've got the archery perks that give me a slo-mo zoom and I used that and as I took the third shot it switched to killcam and I got a third person view of me crouched down in sneak mode releasing the arrow, then it went to the DCM as the arrow hit and the cam did like a circle around him as he was falling forward, it was actually quite cinematic and pretty damn awesome. Granted they are very cool looking and seeing one go down in slow motion like that sure beats watching some icky Falmer fall over backwards.

Trying to figure out how to get Marcurio to follow me down into Blackreach since I've just found and opened the passage from Mzinchaleft into there, will save me a trek overland to Alftand which I was on my way to do anyway. Only got about six pounds to spare in my backpack so all I want to do is get in there, get to the Tower, transcribe Crazy Wizard Dude's magic cube, get the Scroll, and get the hell out of Dodge. But apparently followers don't like to follow down that stairwell, don't know if it's a navmesh issue or what, it's like he's trying to follow and he gets to one spot and just turns around and takes off trying to get to my location from another direction. I suppose I could just head on down to Blackreach and see how long it takes him to show up there. In theory there'd be no way for him to get in as the only access point open is the one I'm using.
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