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Old 03-21-12, 10:49 AM   #855
Navy Seal
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Thank you for your reply Trevally. My remarks within your text:

Originally Posted by Trevally. View Post
SOmething like this

The Final Year (black may) must be last in the campaign, but MG could fit in as above.

It looks good, but in my opinion -if possible- the new campaign would be more in line with the Mare Nostrum/Battle of Mediterranean/Distant Waters thread, since it seems to me that monsun operations should be a logical consequence of Pacific and South African objectives contained in Distant Waters. If we succeed in them, we go straight to Monsun Gruppe campaign, otherwise we get back in the main line, with the Turning Point campaign. In this way Distant Waters would be a preamble, containing pre-Monsun operations ( Side effect is that by moving MG on top, we are stuffing Mare Nostrum thread with many campaigns, while the Western Approaches/Arctic Convoys thread becomes comparatively poor. The only solution would be to think of another new campaign to be put where you placed MG!
As for MG campaign starting date (if you accept my idea we should change it, as the one proposed by you would overlap with the en date of Distant Waters), the end of march 1943 could be an option (DW finishes on 15th of february, so we would get time for a 6 weeks long leave ). Actually the first U-boat patroling the area was U-178, leaving Bordeaux for Penang on 28/03/1943, followed by U-511 on 10/05/1943. Though scoring some "tonnage" success during their passages, these boats were sent to far east for logistics tasks and for establishing the German base in Penang. Actually the first real wave of "Monsun Boats" leaving european ports for Penang happened between june and july of the same year (this one could be another option).

This could be set for all the new layers to be within this campaign only so as not to effect any other campaign performance due to more layers added.

Indeed, we don't want to overheat our GPU with traffic unneded during other campaigns

The only thing I am not sure if I can do is to place bunkers where they would need to be (have not tried before)

No idea here. The main base should be Penang (Malaysia). Other small bases, used for repairs and refuelling were established also in Kobe (Japan) Singapore, Surabaya and Jakarta (both in Indonesia). Due to increasing resupply difficulties in Penang, the base of Jakarta acquired increasing importance, for its better acces to oil.

Using VII type boats - this could be set for VIIC or C41 and if we ever get new types, they could be added to the campaign easily.

The only problem I see with the use of VIIC U-boats could be their relatively short range if compared with type IX. This fact coupled with the long patrols you would expect in such a campaign and the small number of friendly bases for resupplies, could end our passages in high seas
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