Thread: MMM - MyMegaMod
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Old 03-21-12, 03:24 AM   #660
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Originally Posted by peebee View Post
Just a quick question any advice would be most welcome. While I have been try Pedrobas masterpiece MMM from vers 2 onwards I have been that distracted by getting the right settings then updating to vers 4 and now vers 5 I have completed my tonnage for eastern coast waters 3 times but since the inclusion of OH II I have now missed my deadline for Scapa Flow by 3 days my base has been moved to Wilhelmsaven but the only mission offered to me is eastern coastal waters again or the Baltic which I thought was the tutorial how can I move on from this mission I have 150000 t+ in 5 patrols in this area any advice please

From OHII thread here you have the dates:

Originally Posted by Trevally. View Post
Campaign dates 03/09/39 - 09/05/45

White campaign path lines are always available.
Red campaign path lines will close if you do not achieve total victory in previous campaigns

Objective dates dd/mm/yy

Coastal Waters 03/09/39 - 01/06/40
Baltic Operations
03/09/39 - 01/11/39

Eastern British Coastal Waters
04/09/39 - 01/12/39

Breaking The Fortress
10/09/39 - 15/10/39

North Western Approaches
01/11/39 - 01/04/40

Operation Wesserubung
20/03/40 - 11/04/40

South Western Approaches
10/04/40 - 01/06/40

Happy Times 15/06/40 - 01/03/41
Atlantic Air Gap
15/06/40 - 31/01/41

Western Approaches
01/10/40 - 01/02/41

Strategic Supplies
01/02/41 - 01/03/41

Mare Nostrum 15/03/41 - 01/12/41
Breakthrough Gibraltar
01/03/41 - 01/09/41

Deliveries for Malta
01/03/41 - 01/09/41

Siege of Tobruk
01/04/41 - 01/12/41

Middle East Supplies
01/06/41 - 01/12/41

10th Flotilla
01/09/41 - 30/11/41

East Mediterranean Convoys
01/09/41 - 01/12/41

Western Approaches 20/03/41 - 01/12/41
British Supplies
01/03/41 - 01/12/41

Gibraltar Supply Route
01/03/41 - 01/12/41

Winston's Special
01/03/41 - 01/12/41

South Atlantic Supplies
01/04/41 - 31/08/41

South Atlantic Convoys
01/09/41 - 01/12/41

Battle of the Mediterranean 15/12/41 - 01/09/42
Siege of Malta
15/12/41 - 01/08/42

Fortress Gibraltar
15/12/41 - 01/09/42

Rommel's Supplies
15/12/41 - 01/09/42

Raid on Malta
01/01/42 - 01/06/42

Eastern Fleet
01/01/42 - 01/09/42

Operation Pedestal
07/06/42 - 20/08/42

Operation Drumbeat 12/12/41 - 01/09/42
U-Boat Blitz
12/12/41 - 01/02/42

Second Happy Time
01/02/42 - 01/09/42

Tanker Alley
01/08/42 - 01/09/42

Arctic Convoys 19/12/41 - 19/09/42
PQ/QP Convoys
19/12/41 - 16/06/42

Soviet Waters
19/12/41 - 01/07/42

Arctic Blockade
01/01/42 - 19/09/42

Arctic Convoys
01/02/42 - 01/09/42

JW/RA Convoys
17/06/42 - 19/09/42

Distant Waters 15/09/42 - 15/02/43
South America Supplies
15/09/42 - 31/12/42

Caribbean Oil
15/09/42 - 31/12/42

CapeTown Supplies
01/11/42 - 15/02/43

War in Distant Waters
01/12/42 - 15/02/43

The Black Pit 20/09/42 - 15/02/43
The Triumph of the Wolfpack
20/09/42 - 17/12/42

Brittish Supplies
01/12/42 - 15/02/43

The Gap Closers
01/10/42 - 15/02/43

The Torch
20/10/42 - 15/02/43

Turning Point 01/03/43 - 15/06/44
TW Spring 43
01/03/43 - 31/05/43

TW Summer 43
01/06/43 - 31/08/43

TW Autumn 43
01/09/43 - 30/11/43

TW Winter 43
01/12/43 - 39/02/44

TW Spring 44
01/03/44 - 15/06/44

Invasion Iminent
01/05/44 - 07/06/44

The Final Years 01/07/44 - 09/05/45
Tonnage War 44
01/07/44 - 31/12/44

The North Sea
01/09/44 - 09/05/45

Tonnage War 45
01/01/45 - 09/05/45

Urgent Message
05/05/45 - 09/05/45
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