Thread: MMM - MyMegaMod
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Old 03-18-12, 06:05 AM   #633
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Just going to start testing with v0.5 AIO....nice touch including the unzip .exe in part 1

I usually use 7zip but I'm not sure if this was picking up possible corrupted files as the first time I downloaded v0.5 VIO and tried to unzip using your .exe, it notified me of a couple of corrupted files and stopped the process. After downloading again and unzipping it on the desktop rather that on my external hard drive all was well. I never did get v0.4 working correctly so now wondering if that was a corrupted file causing lots of CTD

Anyways v0.5 is now installed and going to try and continue the campaign I started with v0.5 in parts....saved in base of course....

BTW from which site is it best to get winrar? I assume thats what you use to pack the mod? I've done a search and several come up but not sure if these are slightly different versions of it!!!

Thanks Pedro
Bird Lives!
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