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Old 03-13-12, 10:56 AM   #1446
frau kaleun
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Originally Posted by Krauter View Post
They can also kidnap you if you use the wait function as well.
I did not know that, but it makes sense. When waiting you are basically just loitering motionless in one spot, so why wouldn't a skilled ninja-like stalker be able to bag you and whisk you away?

Lol, I still feel bad for Vilkas from the first time it happened, I mean he's arguably the most skilled of the Companions and they stole his fair wife out of their home and their bed when he was sleeping right next to her. Served me right for taking him out of follower mode, not that it would have made any difference to the abduction part except he would've bloody been there when I went running out of the shack in a fright because of what I'd just done (killed Astrid, not knowing where I was or if there would be other DBers nearby) and it was pitch black outside and I was immediately attacked by frostbite spiders AND a dragon.

Thankfully I'd been carrying the Sanguine Rose with me and to be fair I'm pretty sure it was the dremora who killed Astrid. Anyway he was still tagging along when the dragon hit. It may have been attacking the spiders or vice versa, all I know is I saw very little of anything but when it was over everything was dead but me.
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