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Old 03-12-12, 06:42 PM   #1427
frau kaleun
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Okay - question stemming from one of the first set of contracts I filled for the DB. I had no problem with the first two hits, IIRC I've been back to both areas since with no repercussions. Both were done when the targets were out in the open, albeit in less than high-traffic areas.

However the third one was done within the "city limits" of a smaller hold capital (open city, not walled), since the target apparently never leaves there. I located and trailed the target, then left the city proper and circled back in my full DB gear and one-shot her with an arrow from a good distance away. Went back the way I had come. Crosshairs showed me as hidden for the *entire* exercise, in other words from the time I started back towards the target until I returned to my waiting follower, not a living creature that mattered detected my presence until I got back to where he was waiting for me. IIRC I also used Invisibility potions getting to and from the target.

However, when I tried to go back into the city, I was immediately attacked and pursued by the guards. I had to reload and waited that time until the target went inside her house and then I picked the lock and killed her inside her home. Haven't been back there since to see how that plays out.

So - I'm assuming that as far as the AI is concerned, it's enough that someone sees the victim attacked and/or killed. If so, I'm immediately IDed as the killer, even when no one saw me enter or leave the area, much less pull the metaphorical trigger. Which... um... is really stupid. They should only know that a murder was committed, not who did it unless they actually witnessed that end of the fatal equation. Which they did not, if the HUD is to be trusted at all. They witnessed someone being killed but they did not see me doing the killing, and apparently the game narcs on me anyway.

Also, I thought that even if you got a bounty for murder you could just talk to the guard and pay it off. Maybe that doesn't work right *after* the killing, because they never gave me that opportunity.
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