Thread: MMM - MyMegaMod
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Old 03-11-12, 07:34 PM   #564
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WITH AIO or MMM in parts and 6.2 choosen:
CTD when returning to Kiel, actually in open sea when approaching Kiel.
Sometimes CTD on load up a second after the bunker screen appears

WITH MMM in parts and 6.1: don't have this problems.

I assume that the problem must be in the integration of Harbour Enhancements mod, because if I got it right, the only difference between 6.1 and 6.2 is that 6.2 includes HE and 6.1 not. So with 6.1 I will have all the features of OH. Am I right?

Hi I have a similar spec rig to your PC although I have had ctd's I have MMM v4 AIO which includes the pt 6.2 if you look back a few posts Pedro answered my question and explained this to me. To remove it I had to remove all my mods do a clean install of SH5 then repatch everything. Then re apply the mods I use the all in one and after I did this and sorted out my mod soup every thing is fine . I start a new campaign save in the bunker reopen the save in bunker you'll see the boat rise out of the water. You can then see the maintenance officer for your upgrades then speak to the ops officer ask for new mission and the mission will load and you are on the bridge start up the harbour pilot script and away you go. When you get the option to skip the tutorial skip it if you have completed it or edited your career .cfg
I have learned all this from Pedrobas and the other modders and contributors from this forum.

Philipp Breitefeld KapitanLeutnant
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