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Old 03-03-12, 08:11 PM   #934
frau kaleun
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Originally Posted by rohan2302 View Post
i really want to thank iambecomelife for this amazing mod! it's one of the best gameplay enhancers out there.
However, i have one serious grouse with this mod and that is it does not include ship damage info in the recognition manual. This makes it extremely difficult to take down some of these ships in smooth waters. In rough waters you don't need a 'hole in one' shot to sink them. I was just playing SH3 a while ago and encountered what i think was an M09X merchant ship with a tonnage of less than 4k and i fired four torpedoes between the command center and the middle of the ship and all it did was come to a halt. The front deck was on fire but the ship was not anywhere near sinking. This is extremely frustrating considering that i am used to blowing up 6 and 7k ton c2's and c3's with one shot. Does anyone have any idea about how to sink the ships in these mods with one shot? is there a manual out there which shows the vulnerable areas like fuel and ammo?
IIRC there was a chart floating around for GWX3 that showed hit zones or something for all the ships in GWX, but I don't know that it included all the MFM ships (doubtful) or that such a chart exists.

That said, firing at a spot directly below the smokestack(s) is always a good bet if you're looking to cause some major damage. If it's an armed ship, aiming for directly below any gun emplacements may result in hitting an ammo bunker which can also cause more immediate extensive damage.

Another good spot is in the bow area, particularly in rough seas where the ship's forward momentum and the higher waves can cause it to scoop a lot of water in through the hole you punched. If you are using GWX, be aware that flooding will be the major cause of damage leading to sinking, and that takes time so unless you hit something that really goes *boom* in a critical way, patience is a must.

Aiming below a forward mast may also get you a hit in the spot where a bulkhead separates two holds or compartments, leading to flooding occurring in both, leading to a quicker sinking from fewer hits.
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