Thread: Atlantic Storm
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Old 02-29-12, 04:06 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Kafka BC View Post
@Leutnant_Werner, Welcome also.

Watch what you do to the x and z scale settings for waves. Reducing the scale too much can cause nasty visual effects when the water is viewed from very high up like from an aircraft. These effects can be reduced by increasing the Patches number however doing this seriously lowers frame rates. Increasing the scale too much can also cause visual effects from height as well. I found this out the hard way when I was trying to make smaller waves for the lower wind speeds and large swells for the higher. The trick is striking a balance, and as rik007 said, it isn't easy.

I have found that modifying the SeaSpeed in Waveproperties in combination with modest changes to the scale and height far more effective in achieving better wave mechanics. Both the stock game and GWX increase the SeaSpeed when the wind increases when they should be lowered to more accurately reflect the effects of something called 'fetch' that the wind contributes to cause sea swells and waves to heap up, which being bigger move slower.
Yeah! The SeaSpeed should indeed be slowed at higher windspeed. That is crucial for getting good effects. Other mods and stock offer waves which move too fast. Once you noticed that it is irritating. Of course all the parameter should be tuned: scaling, Seaspeed, foam, windcoef LargeWavesArmonics (kind of damper) and coef etc.

You should also take care of efficient testing methods as you will have to test again and again. The best way is to use the naval academy missions as they load fastest. Then you need to figure out which time of the day correspond with which scene etc. Of course if you do the color part as well. But finally the one cannot be done without the other.

Originally Posted by Leutnant_Werner
scene.dat/Node -Sky/EnvData/EnvData/MaxWaveHeight
scene.dat/Node -Sky/EnvSim/EnvSim/MaxWaveHeight/Wind/Waveproperties/3/Scale/Y (height) -- im not sure what's the different effect between the 2 values?
First one is a kind of overall parameter affecting all wavesheights for the four different windspeeds. Looks like a multiplicative model.

Second one is a scaler for one of the four windspeeds. If I remember it well dimensions of the wave tile and height. Wave parameters for speeds between the four available are interpolated.

Originally Posted by Leutnant_Werner

scene.dat/Node -Sky/EnvSim/EnvSim/MaxWaveHeight/Wind/Waveproperties/3/Scale/Z (lenghth) -- this one is very sensitive. E.g. changing the value from 11,3184 to 11,3007 can cause visible effects. To find a proper adjustment can create realistic rolling waves.

scene.dat/Node -Sky/EnvData/EnvData/MaxWaveHeight/SupressWaves/ChoppyWave
I think they are all pretty sensitive up to the point of desparation especially the color part of it. ChoppyWave is very easily overdone creating ugly deformations
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