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Old 02-15-12, 07:45 PM   #1111
frau kaleun
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Originally Posted by Dowly View Post
Anyone played pure dual wielder? Decided to make one, but kinda struggling
with it. Most fights I can win no problem, but at times there's just not enough
damage I can deal to beat the bastard.
I've toyed around with dual wielding swords but only after I got to a pretty decent level and Ulfric had given me two enchanted Daedric swords in the course of playing out the Civil War quests for the Stormcloaks. Those were what I used and it was pretty awesome.

Those swords are in display cases now in Hjerim but I still carry two Daedric swords just for gits and shiggles. I still duel wield them sometimes but I made myself a Daedric Warhammer and I've mostly been using that for melee lately. It's pretty much a one hit, one kill weapon at this point against lower level attackers. There have also been a couple of decapitations with it which I wasn't expecting since I thought that only happened with bladed weapons.

I must say that with this character I've probably done more killing with the bow than anything else, especially creeping around in dungeons. I made more use of sneaking early on as well which got me pretty proficient at that, and combined with the Muffle enchantment on my boots - my bow has become pretty deadly. There have been a few dungeons where I never used anything but that and maybe a shout or two when pressed until I got to the final battle and there were two many attackers at once to take them all out from a safe distance. (And heaven knows that is a blessing when it comes to Falmer, I do *not* like to get up close and personal with them if I can help it. They give me the creeps. I don't even like going back into Dwemer ruins that I know I've just cleared, because the hissing from all the steam-powered stuff is a sound I've come to associate with Falmer and that alone is enough to give me the willies.)

Having a combat mage for a follower also helps a lot since even with 2-3 attackers it's not uncommon for us to take them all out from a distance before they can do enough damage to make charging into the fray for a quicker kill a dire necessity.
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