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Old 02-10-12, 10:06 PM   #1073
frau kaleun
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Originally Posted by Drewcifer View Post
Am I the only one that is complete bat **** scared of the next Elder Scrolls game? The next one just might actually be the one that ends up making me a complete hermit and never stepping out into the real world again.. Thankfully with Skyrim I have retained enough will to eat and goto work if barely.
I'm just glad I don't work with anyone who also plays, because believe me we'd both be on report for not getting anything done ever again. Haven't talked to our out-of-state main IT dude in a while but I'm betting the next convo we have will end up revolving around how awesome Skyrim is.

As it is I run into someone else who is playing it just about everywhere else I go, the dojo is particularly hazardous in this respect as I teach a kid's class as well as an adult class and they ALL know what it is and most of them have either played it or are dying inside a little each day because they haven't yet. It's almost impossible to keep the kid's classes on track now because that's *all* they want to talk to me about. The adult class is not as bad but it's pretty darn close, especially when some of the older (teenage) kids are in attendance.

On the tech front I am happy to report that I have been playing for the past two hours or so with the hi res packs enabled and all the glitches are gone, apparently it was the graphic driver update after all. Rolled that sucker back to the one from mid December which is what I had when I got the game and *bam* everything is fine again as far as I can tell. Serves me right for fixing something that wasn't broken in the first place.

I am still bummed that a couple of the texture mods I really liked no longer work with the hi res packs enabled, I'm guessing that the packs contain replacement textures that are differently named somehow and the game is loading those and since the files that the mods put in the /textures folder don't match name-wise they are getting passed over. But I dunno how these .esp and .esm and .dds files work, never seen them before. Guess I may have to crack open the creation kit and see what's what.
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