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Old 02-09-12, 06:17 PM   #1058
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fact is you will see some of that stuff make it over in patches and DLC period.

If you watch the whole video basically they had a plan, designed a game and focused down on the main goals and knocked out an amazing game... then once it was released they of course had the game jam what your seeing is once again the creativity of the whole team going solo.

That being said its a company that charged for horse armor, I have NO DOUBT at all that the suits at beth are going to say keep that skyrim team together and knock out a bunch of those features... keep on milking our costumer base because they WILL pay.

And truth is, yep I will, damn right 4.99 for a dragon mount sure, 2.99 for mounted combat yep. I won't even complain you know why?

Because Beth isn't EA, they didn't add multiplayer in, or change the Elder Scrolls, sure Skyrim is dumbed down since Daggerfall or Arena, but what game isn't these days its a fine line between appealing to new costumer base and keeping happy your long time core player base. A line they walk well without hurting my love for the game, or them.

+Customer, I have no idea why I misspelled that twice.
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