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Old 12-25-05, 10:44 AM   #6
Ace of the Deep
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Originally Posted by The Old Man
I got it to work by adding it to CB1.sdf to CB.5sdf & the
one other question though, the mission object is contact reports & return to another base but there is no patrol zone? I guess you patrol the whole med?
thanx for your help
Med. here I come
He he!! now your asking me--lol--it was ages ago when i wrote the generator and i can't remember exactly how i wrote in the patrol zones--
but they are there and they are randomised so is the return to base order--

the generator should write the for you
so i not sure what changes the alfa mod makes which might negate that--

you should recieve a radio message (not allways at the same time each patrol) giving you your patrol zone--

been a long while now--lol the jist of the generator was to get decent changing weather and accurate weather reports coupled with a method of negating the save games bugs so you could allways save the game without losing destroyer aggression after re-loading your save--

if your not recieving the radio messages regarding patrol zones--and the isn't being written by the generator i can only imagine that the alfa mod and the generator are incompatible in some manner--

you should also be able to edit the templates supplied with the generator to use any new ships supplied with the alfa mod by changing the names of the vessels (same as you did with the player sub) to the ones you want---

there was never any genuine interest in the generator at the time so i didn't persue it any further--
the world's tinyiest sh3 supermod-
and other SH3/SH2 stuff

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Are full of passionate intensity.

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