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Old 01-11-12, 07:13 PM   #549
Black Magic
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Originally Posted by homsikpanda View Post
here's a question...... gameplay!? how should i/how do other people play?

most of the time i'm just staring at the map screen putting down waypoints in an area i'm searching for whatever... then switching to first person/periscope view (i usually just sit on the attack periscope) when i see a ship.....
i feel like i'm missing ALOT but i don't really know how or where?
the various crew stations, like the radar and the hydrophone don't seem to work (i can't even turn the dial of the hydrophone to redirect the angle, not sure if this is a glitch or not but i think it's a glitch? as when i remove myself from the station it rotates on it's own ) and it seems like half the crew skills are pointless... "safe communication!?" for what though? D: i never report to base or see any reason why i would need to communicate safely with them, they never give me any instructions or things like that.
crew moral? while i understand this a bit (increased moral means i can do more special skills ) but it seems like crew moral should impact more then that?
is there a "radio" station? like can i turn the dial and listen in on enemy communications or something?
search patterns? how do i do a search pattern? the way the game makes it sound it seems like i can "order a search pattern" and the ship will start doing an area search, as opose to me having to plot in a search pattern by use with a bunch of waypoints?
is there a way to activate crew skills without having to go and talk to them first? it's a bit annoying when i'm in the middle of battle and i feel like i want to over heat my torpedo i have to exit the attack periscope, walk to the torpedo room, order my torpedo man to overheat the torpedo and then walk back to the periscope to fire...
is there a different way for locating enemys? other then just wandering around aimlessly till i found something or trying to charge as quickly as possible to a blip on the map whenever my radio man reports it and hope it's still there or in the area when i get there??

so for so many questions and i must seem rather stupid having been on the forum for so long and making so many posts previously, but i wana really start ENJOYING the game rather then just playing it D:
If you're using a UI mod then things are easier. You can bring up the gramophone or radio and listen to them.

At the hydrophone station use mousewheel to rotate bearing line (same goes for radar station). If you haven't patched your exe with my hydrophone fix then you have to be REALLY precise to get the hydrophone box to recognize a contact.

Sending contact reports increases your chances of a wolfpack responding and assisting (or even the german planes to come and assist)

Search patterns don't exist in stock game. If you use my UIs mod Automation is your friend here. Trevally has wrote some excellent scripts for search patterns, harbor pilots, evasion, etc. for Automation. Other people have written scripts for it also.

In my UIs mod you can right click on the officer in the officer menu to bring up his skills.

For locating contacts once again Automation is your friend and so are Trevally's scripts.
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