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Old 01-01-12, 06:58 PM   #2963
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New version 0.9.5 of the Diesel Damages Mod available

With this Mod you risk random diesel damages if you agonize your diesels with maximum speed.

The maximum possible machine telegraph value of 1.0 (see Uboats .cfg file for details) will now be interpreted as OVERLOAD of the diesels in order to get maximum speed out of them. If you order to overload your diesels, the LI will acknowledge "Alles was drin ist...." or "everything we've got!"

Used Shortcuts and colours:

MTS = Machine Telegraph speed. 0.0=stop and 1.0=maximum.
T50 = Timespan that corresponds with a damage probability of 50%

: Non-safe operation of diesels. High risk of damage.
YELLOW: Halfway safe operation of diesels. Low risk of damage.
GREEN: Safe operation. No risk of damage.

I) Under normal conditions (no diesel damaged) we have:

MTS = 1.0 : T50 = 1 hour (OVERLOAD)
MTS = 0.97 and below: Safe. No damage will occur.

If a random damage occurs, this should be interpreted as a warning. Thus, the LI warns you to reduce your speed, because otherwise you risk a total loss of the diesel. As long as the diesel isn't completely repaired, the chance of successive damages dramatically rises, if you don't reduce your speed to safe values (see below). The amount of the applied damage is randomly chosen between 1% and 60% (thus, a diesel will never be destroyed).

II) One damaged diesel:

MTS = 1.00 : T50 = 15 min. (OVERLOAD)
MTS = 0.95 : T50 = 40 min.
MTS = 0.90 : T50 = 2 hours

MTS = 0.80 : T50 = 20 hours
MTS = 0.70 and below: safe

III) Two damaged diesels:

MTS = 1.00 : T50 = 4 min. (OVERLOAD)
MTS = 0.90 : T50 = 10 min.

MTS = 0.80 : T50 = 30 min.
MTS = 0.70 : T50 = 2 hours
MTS = 0.60 : T50 = 10 hours
MTS = 0.50 : T50 = 60 hours
MTS = 0.40 and below: safe

Under damaged diesel conditions, the amount of the added damage is randomly chosen between 30% and 100%, thus a diesel can completely be destroyed.

If you want to use your FLANK slot on the machine telegraph for overload, just use normal values of your supermod, no changes are necessary:

FLANK = 1.0
FULL = 0.95
STD = 0.8

If you DON'T want to use your FLANK slot on the machine telegraph for overload, you can use the following values:

FLANK = 0.95
FULL = 0.90
STD = 0.8

and activate diesel overload by setting speed to maximum on the knots dial.

Mod can be found in JSGME ready format on my mediafire page (-> Hardcode fixes / Alpha testing) . It contains two text files with the LI messages. They should be merged with your en_menu.txt / de_menu.txt.
My Mediafire page:

Last edited by h.sie; 01-01-12 at 07:57 PM.
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