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Old 12-23-11, 11:44 AM   #1233
Silent Steel
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Originally Posted by troopie View Post
O.K. I've just finished spending about 7 hours reading through this thread in the hope of sorting some of the many issues I have been experiencing in my stock install of the game and have pretty much forgotten a bunch of stuff I read near the start!

Firstly, I gotta say, this seams to have now turned into a mods thread. If you need to list a dozen mods in your post before posing your bug/glitch I propose there's a fair chance you're in the wrong forum; See 'Silent hunter 5 mods workshop'!

Secondly, I propose there is probably not too many people prepared to read through all of this to find solutions so what is the point of continuing to have it stickied?

Given the number of new SH5 users of late (myself included), due to the scrapping of Ubi's rediculous drm, maybe we'd be better off with a stickied 'hints to new users' thread that contains links to this thread as required.

Just a thought and I don't wish to detract from some of the brilliant (and time consuming) responses contained herein; I'm just sorta saying, who's really (myself aside) going to read through all of this?

Hi there Troopie,

'If you need to list a dozen mods in your post before posing your bug/glitch...'

SH5 more or less has to be run with some mods.
Whenever you want to tell about a possible glitch this is useless if you don't tell about your mods list or if you don't run any mods at all.
This way it's at least easier to track down the reasons for this glitch and to solve the issue which was the reason for posting. Right?

'... there is probably not too many people prepared to read through all of this...'

No one has to read 'all this'.
I find this meaningful for all those who are interested and find it exciting to follow or take part in the development of SH5.
If you're not - don't.

'...maybe we'd be better off with a stickied 'hints to new users' thread...'

As there are so many kinds of questions new users run into I don't think this can be done in a manageable way.

What I've seen so far is that most new players find their way to the answers they need and as this community's many helpful and supportive members inexhaustibly and quickly offer their help I can't see this is needed.

Besides, isn't it just great to follow the work of all our brilliant modders?

If you should have a question that you can't find the proper, already existing thread for - start a new thread.

Merry Christmas

Last edited by Silent Steel; 12-23-11 at 11:20 PM.
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