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Old 12-18-05, 02:30 PM   #1
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Default Hamburg Corridor MBX (WW3 1988)

Direct massive air & ground operations over Central Europe. Coordinate special forces with intelligence assets, deep strikes and classic mechanised manouver warfare. Stop the Red Tide from overcoming the thin NATO line on the North German Plain. Or take command of entire Soviet armies as you drive your tanks towards Hamburg and the English channel. All of this and much more in the new MBX "Mini-Battle 2: Hamburg Corridor".

What is MB-2: Hamburg Corridor?

Mini-Battle 2 is the second installment in the "Mini Battle" series of MBXs designed to put into test the mechanics and research of the Europe-88 project ( The series uses Harpoon 3, TOAW and SPMBT to model an integrated total-war environment.
The series started with “Mini-Battle 1: Highway to Frankfurt”, a small-scale tactical/operational battle in the Fulda-to-Frankfurt area (AAR here:

Stepping on the success of MB-1, Mini-Battle 2 significantly expands both the scope and feature-set of the battle series, recreating an entire frontal clash in the Hamburg region.
For a detailed FAQ and changes between MB-1 and MB-2, look here:

What is the timeline?

The timeline is mid-late 1988.

What forces are included?

Mini Battle - 2 significantly expands the scale of conflict to Corps/Army level. NATO's Northern-most section of the Northern Army Group (NORTHAG) clashes with the Northern Front of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany (GSFG). The BAOR 1st Corps, US 2nd Armored Division/3rd Brigade, West German 1st Corps plus the Schleswig-Holstein Territorial Command, and the 1st Dutch Corps are pitted against the Soviet 2nd Guards Tank Army and East German 5th Army, with both sides receiving their pre-planned reinforcements from east and west. In-place air forces as well as rapid air reinforcements also participate. Both sides have full access to assets such as satellites, spies and other intelligence sources, airborne & air-assault forces, Special Forces, NBC weapons, logistics units etc.

How to join

The forums for the two sides are now active, at the Harpooner's Point forums ( Players and lurkers can both join. Players are one-side only, lurkers may join only one side or both. But remember if you’re a lurker for both sides and a position comes open, you will not be able to participate. However if you’re a lurker for just one side and a position becomes available for that side you then can join as a player instead of a lurker.
Along with the two private forums there is also a public forum with the orbats, maps, news broadcasts detailing the progress of conflict, supplementary reading material etc.

Do I have to have all these games in order to participate?

No. The players control their forces by issuing orders to the umpires, and receive information on the battle status also from the umpires. Only the umpires actually use the games to simulate the battle.
That said, having Harpoon 3 or especially TOAW helps in having a “second look” for yourself at the situation presented, and making some what-if experiments before issuing your orders. It is, however, not necessary.

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