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Old 11-19-11, 12:30 PM   #160
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by TheBeast View Post
I really think it was Availability Dates in the data\UPCDataGE\UPCUnitsData\UpgradePacks.UPC file.
I can not be sure because when I uninstalled SH5 for fresh install, SH5 Uninstall removed my MODS folder as well and I lost everything I was working on at the time.

Here is Example for the FuMO-29 Gema.
I changed Start Date for Interval 1 to NULL so that Upgrade Pack is available right away.
[UpgradePack 2]
ID= UpackUb7FUMO29Radar
FunctionalType= UpFTypeSensorRadar
UpgradePackSlotType= UboatType7Radar
UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptionCurrent= NULL, NULL, 0
UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptions1=NULL, 1942-06-01, 2000
;UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptions1=1942-02-01, 1942-06-01, 2000
UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptions2=1942-06-01, 1942-08-01, 1000
UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptions3=1942-08-01, 1942-10-01, 900
UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptions4=1942-10-01, 1943-02-01, 800
UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptions5=1943-02-01, NULL, 300
IDLinkUpgradePackElements= EqpFumo29RadarApp, NULL, EqpFuMO29
;"UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptionsx=<Start_Date>, <End_Date>, <Renown_Cost_for_Interval>"
I was changing Interval Dates to replicate Historical values.
For testing, I may have set UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptions1 to be available right away and the end date may have been before the start date for UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptions2.

Also, the data\Submarine\NSS_Uboat7x\NSS_Uboat7x.SNS files have control of availability dates because the cfg# Nodes are controlled here.
If the cfg# Node date expires in this file for your U-Boat, that equipment that attaches to that cfg# Node can not be installed.
I know that TheDarkWraith has edited these files with a few of his MOD's.
I just started changing these files in revision v1.4 of this MOD.

Lastly, I noticed in OH II v1.4, the Campaign Time Line is not linear.
i.e. First Campaign ends in April and then the Next Campaign starts in March. So you are going back in time and that can removed equipment that is already installed. The Kicker here is, You DO NOT get your Renown Points back if this happens.

I hope this is the information you were looking for to answer your question?


Thanks TB, I think so.. if I'm reading your post right, it's a compatibility issue between OHII dates (the April/march thing) and with the cfg nodes altered by stuff like MO/FxUpdate etc? Maybe stuff like Nozaurio's skins as well, they alter stuff in the subs..?

So.. what we need is compatible files across OHII, MO & the TDW mod series and your equip upgrades mod in order for the right upgrades to become available on the right dates? Sounds complicated... fingers crossed though as the date method you implemented was great imo, would love to be able to run a campaign from the start to the end of the war without having to restart each campaign with a new crew. Sounds more and more to me like OHII, MO and your equip upgrades would work better as a single, compatible package.

One more thing while I think about it - is there any way to get the later radio masts (e.g the big square-ish one, I forget the name) to retract at periscope depth? The antenna seems to stay up no matter what the depth.
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