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Old 11-15-11, 02:48 AM   #3778
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Default U-45 VIIB

Patrol No 3
It took only 10 days for U-45 to be ready for action
(I am using the Randomise days in base option in this career)

11 October 1939
11:10 hours U-45 left port to patrol grid BE99

14 October 1939
Grid AN41
22:39 hours Spotted Swedish coastal tanker - no action taken

24 October 1939
Grid BE99
19:40 hours Reached patrol area

27 October 1939
10:03 hours New orders : Proceed to grid CG94

31 October 1939
Grid CG94
06:06 hours Reached new patrol area
09:16 hours SS Photinia (Medium Merchant 40), 5926 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 35. Crew lost: 21 - sunk by 2 bow + 1 stern torpedoes
09:51 hours Still submerged we had a single sound contact bearing 030 and multiple contacts bearing 253 - 260 all closing at low speeds
09:54 hours Visual contact at bearing 030 - single merchant
10:07 hours SS Blairdevon (Medium Merchant 11), 3129 tons. Cargo: Foodstuffs. Crew: 43. Crew lost: 34 - sunk by 1 bow torpedo - multiple contacts now bearing 270 both merchant and warships indicate convoy closing.
10:15 hours Tube reloaded
11:14 hours 2 bow torpedoes fired at enemy convoy
11:16 hours 1 stern torpedo fired
11:16 hours SS Kosmos (Whale Factory Ship), 17330 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 186. Crew lost: 146
11:18 hours 1 bow torpedo fired
11:19 hours 1 bow torpedo fired - diving to 100m - undetected
11:42 hours SS Drakepool (Coal Freighter), 2571 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 32. Crew lost: 12
Possible damage on a large merchant
16:32 hours Still submerged - tubes reloaded 3 bow torpedoes left - sound contact bearing 080 closing medium speed
16:42 hours Periscope depth.
17:24 hours Visual contact: French gunboat escorting single merchant
17:35 hours FR Arras (Gunboat), 480 tons. Crew: 51. Crew lost: 19 - sunk by 1 bow torpedo + 1 bow missed
17:43 hours MV Brageland (Small Merchant), 2080 tons. Cargo: Tobacco. Crew: 24. Crew lost: 1 - sunk by 1 bow torpedo - No internal torpedoes left
18:00 hours Surfaced - U-45 was submerged for 9 hours in battle conditions. The crew perfomed its duties in a perfect way. No Bernard on board this time! Started return trip.

03 November 1939
Grid CG21
00:13 hours Spotted Greek medium cargo - no action taken

06 October 1939
Grid AM54
00:23 hours Spotted large convoy - sent report to BdU and disengaged

11 November 1939
13:39 hours Docked at port
32 days at sea
6 ships sunk
31516 tons
No damages or casualties
12 torpedoes used
No 8,8cm rounds fired

Last edited by VONHARRIS; 11-15-11 at 04:41 AM.
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