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Old 10-30-11, 12:41 AM   #187
Black Magic
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Recursion can be a powerful thing. It is sometimes very difficult to setup/get correct. This was the case for the reading of the extended data for items. On my plane flight home from Portland, OR I was single stepping through the debugger in Visual Studio trying to get the recursion correct for item's extended data. I finally have it working correctly for the extended data now I had the reading of the item's extended data 'hard-coded' for I knew basically what to expect. This was not acceptable to me because there are probably files that contain more or less in extended data. I needed this to be dynamic and let the file tell me what it has.
I didn't fully understand at first how say GrannyViewer knew how to read everything that it did (and thus was why many things were 'hard-coded'). This took some time to figure out. Now I fully understand Nothing (currently) is hard-coded in the app. It is fully dynamic and it knows what to read from those magical pointers (and some other new pointers that I call data type pointers).
Just because it's fully dynamic doesn't mean it can read everything. If it doesn't 'understand' something (it reads something and the app doesn't know what it read/how to interpret it) then it will fail. This is currently the case with any GR2 file that has animations in it. I have not told the app how to handle animations. The mystery data in undersea and VIIA it doesn't know how to handle either (yet). Those I am still working on

This new version (1.0.322.0) includes the above and also the file size checker and CRC-32 checker. You'll notice new text in the DbgView output for these and also for the ArtToolInfo's extended data (it will look like GrannyViewer shows it because that's how it told me to read it )

New version 1.0.322.0 released. See post #1

Last edited by TheDarkWraith; 10-30-11 at 01:00 AM.
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