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Old 09-11-11, 09:16 AM   #80
Grey Wolf
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Trust me,as a man who has worked in sweat shops and dock work most my life,there are large differences in intelligence between people.Most of you are educated so do not know how stupid some humans are.Sorry to sound so harsh but there is no other word for it.

Take the pie equation for electrical work and then a step up and step down electrical circuit.I found it easy but many of my friends could not grasp the concept.I tried and tried to explain to them even using the book I learned from as a guide and they were lost.I also had one friend who could not understand how an underground filter in a fish tank workedI also had a friend who would fight with me that fired chicken had no calories but that another story in itself.

So you guys pushing that its just determination to learn is kinda silly.Ok,here is one that I ask people to understand and they "ALL" tell me its easy and they understand.(thats why they clean toilets)

I am talking about Einsteins theory of relativity.I was told its about gravity and how time is based on gravity.If you are to go into space and be away from any gravitational pull of planets....and then travel faster then the speed of light time will never change.Now I wanna see someone here who says they understand that.
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