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Old 09-09-11, 03:02 PM   #45
Hans Witteman
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Originally Posted by Hitman View Post
... following the discussion initiated in the SH3 HAHD thread, TheDrakWraith wrote:

I think we all know by now that SH5 is the platform with most potential and most open to changes. But the main problem is that unfortunately any relevant changes are limited to people with very advanced skills like you or Privateer. Of course, in SH3/4 many things were like that, and had Swakjer not jumped in, we would still be sitting in the stone age, so to speak (Regarding tools that the average guy can use, not of course the hexeditors that only some brilliant minds can profit from). But the difference is that while in SH3/4 lots of brilliant minds pured in, following the worldwide success of SH3, the fiasco of SH5 has cut the community's wings almost completely.
What will happen to SH5 once you've had enough of it, TDW? SH3/4 can live and grow strong to their limits thanks to all that has been done, but SH5's potential is still largely unlocked and its fate lies in the had of very few people.

Quite frankly, SH4 as modding platform is nowadays a sure bet, while SH5 still is a promise. Even with all the brilliant and hard work you and other guys have put into it, I fail to see an area excet graphics where it has clearly surpassed SH3/4.

And as Makman brilliantly put it in the other thread, graphics are OK for a week of "Ohhhh" "Ahhhhh" "Wooooohhhh" but then ... you need gameplay.

That HAHD over SH5 would be simply the best thing next to sex with Miss Universe is clear to me, but HAHD has many more chances of being finished with SH4 than us having sex with Miss Universe, and that is the problem.

My 2 cents
Hi mate,

Excellent point you are bringing to the debate and if someone tell me that i can transform SH5 to SH3 then the decision would be obvious for me.

But so far even the top coding guru here can't give me that answer and someone that have the caliber of Skwasjer to do a real tool set is not born yet and i doubt someone will have the dedication skwasjer put in s3d editor skwasjer was a true programmer with experience and that show in his amazing tool and i get mad when i see folks here that are bashing him when they don't have an inch of his talent and knowledge.

So if anyone here can make a tool as good or better then s3d editor for SH5 then we can start talking seriously about the ultimate platform for our high quality vision.

A hex editor is a wonderful tool when you know how to use it but let's be realistic about what the workload is with a hex editor i mean large amount of assets integration like 3d models, textures, animation etc if done only by hex it will take you close to 500 years before your mod is done so hex for heavy modding is totally unrealistic.

Hex should only be a tool to write an editor like s3d editor to speed up the workflow thinking the other way around is pure non sense.

I can picture a game studio making a full game via hex release date 3088 Q1
So are we going to look at it seriously in a real team effort or is this going to turn out as another EGO war?

Give me the tools i need and i will give you the ultimate dream sim.(As long as the platform choose is capable of some simulation)

Best regards Hans

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