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Old 08-17-11, 08:18 PM   #8
Feuer Frei!
Navy Seal
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@ Krauter:
I understand what you mean about not seeming to progress, due to noob team members.
Yesterday I had a bad run of about 9 or 10 games where we got decimated in most of those games. People hanging back where in fact they should have moved up, pushed the flank attacks.
I was in my L°we with a couple of other heavies attacking and attempting to hold a flank against a couple of IS-4's, a IS 7 and a E-75. We got absolutely slaughtered, I looked on the mini map and screamed for support, firstly from arty and also noticed that 3 or 4 heavies had base-camped.
Needless to say I wasn't happy with the lack of team work there.
It seems very prevalent at the moment that players just really do not know how to play this game. And moreso do NOT play as a team. Point in case: Heavies rushing out to a position by themselves, Heavies base-camping when support is needed on a flank or the push up the middle, arty not supporting, perhaps too busy eating chips and watching youtube videos, Tank Destroyers moving up too quickly and being exposed or found in no cover, attempting to go head on with heavies.
All these, and of course people not knowing where the weak spots are on a tank, and shooting blindly into a tank and then wondering why a tank is not getting maimed and killed.
I had that 9 game losing streak yesterday, and really wondered if I was going to get my Tiger after all.
Things improved again, finally. Got some awesome match-ups, and in a few of the winning games we absolutely smashed the enemy forces, deploying what seemed like blitzkrieg tactics, leap-frogging down the flanks beautifully, all the while holding the middle ground and arty supported well and actually hit their targets!
But you guys, I have to admit, the most frustrating way to lose is when the team is going really really well and ahead on the score board, and lo and behold the base gets captured with absolutely no-one defending it! That to me is the most frustrating way of losing a match! I hate that.
On a side note, I have adjusted my play style for the Tiger 1, since it's armor is paper-thin.
I still need 1 engine upgrade to improve its mobility, the gun upgrade is almost complete, only the 8'8 (last tier) to go, but tactics for this tank are, even at fully upgraded, do NOT go head to head with other tanks! It is a good sniping tank, with its awesome 8'8 gun and mobility, it can also but ONLY support heavies and mediums from the second line.
NEVER should you attempt to go head to head with this tank against other heavies, and NEVER should you play peek a boo with other heavies.
Even mediums will go after you and take you on one on one, as the Tiger 1 has a reputation for thin armor and perhaps its all about the operator, how its used.
Which goes for every tank in game.
The cost of running the Tiger 1 is quiete expensive too, I find that my credits are halved pretty much all the time, with repairs and ammo.
I'm leaving it garaged at the moment until 1 more gun upgrade (final one) and final engine upgrade, then take it out for my daily doubles, and once I get the Tiger 2 I will sell it. No point in keeping it, as the Tiger 2 is supreme in every stat over the Tiger 1!
See you on the battlefield. Kill 'em all!
"History is the lies that the victors agree on"- Napoleon

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