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Old 08-17-11, 05:15 AM   #1
Silent Hunter
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I've come to the point that I decide from now on I'm stopping grinding for any other tank. Simply due to the reason I've filled all my 5 slots with the tanks I'd like to have.

The tanks in my garage are: T-34, KV-1, T-34-85, T-44 and T-54.

Now I have 3 credit farmers which are the T-34, KV-1 and T-34-85.
These three will be used to finance my T-54 and T-44 runs. I'm not letting go of my T-44 simply because it is a fun tank and it is a waay cheaper to run than the T-54.

So here they are now

There are however other tanks that I'd like to have, they are IS-4, IS-7, Maus, Sherman, Tiger I and Panther. But the T-34 is already superior than the Sherman with the exception of gun depression and Tiger I is a post tier 5 liability in WoT with those crazy tanks it is pitted against while the Panther while pretty is also a post tier 5 tank.

Since I'm not going to pay for premium account and running those are expensive I can control my urge to go grinding for them. The little devil that say to you come on the IS-4 and IS-7 along with the Maus will dominate and thus fun to play while in reality you get upset losing so much money running them on standard. I can't foresee myself buying premium for life either. So I'm extremely happy to have settle with these 5. THANK YOU WoT for allowing me to play for free and indulge my tank enthusiasm with many other people online.

Edit: Couple pics changed.

Last edited by Castout; 08-17-11 at 04:59 PM.
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