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Old 07-25-11, 06:21 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by LGN1 View Post

laying mines has been implemented in OM for SH4 and I know that quite a few people have worked on this for SH3.

- Does anyone ever released a mod for mine laying for SH3?

- If yes, does anyone still have a copy of it?

From what I gathered from old posts there are two ways to achieve this: Either use 'fake' torpedoes or use the bold decoy. If anyone has more details about this, I would be glad to know.

Cheers, LGN1
I can tell you now, just having the mines show up in future patrols is currently in the impossible area of modding development. To lay mines would be one thing, but for them to show up in any future patrols or if you even leave and comeback to the area you laid mines during the same patrol, they would not show up. So being that that is impossible at the momment, it makes the whole idea of laying mines irrelevent because once you got out of sight of those mines they would disappear from the game.

If we can find a remedy for that there is many other places we can fiddle with that would most certainly take a priority like a dynamic campaign of ships disappearing from the SCR layer once you sink them. But all this is currently out of touch.

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