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Old 07-03-11, 06:29 AM   #199
The Old Man
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Originally Posted by TheDarkWraith View Post
The patch isn't perfect but it's a start. Everything has to start from somewhere. The hardest part of doing any .exe patching is finding a place to start from amid the mass of hex. The next hardest part is deciphering the assembly into semi-human readable form so you can get an idea what the programmer was thinking/implementing in the routine (take the assembly and write pseudo-program code out of it).
------------------------ Reverse engineering------------ --------------

Great work and a real beginning.
Those who want to learn assembly and want to understand what Hexadecimal
Everything can , and how a computer works should start here.

Assembly for NEWBIS ...and more....---Google / Vivek Ramachandran ----

For Start !!

This video is part of the following groups:

1. Assembly Language Megaprimer for Linux ( 11 videos)
Assembly Primer for Hackers (Part 1) System Organization
Assembly Primer for Hackers (Part 2) Virtual Memory Organization
Assembly Primer for Hackers (Part 3) GDB Usage Primer
Assembly Primer for Hackers (Part 4) Hello World
Assembly Primer for Hackers (Part 5) Data Types
Assembly Primer for Hackers (Part 6) Moving Data
Assembly Primer for Hackers (Part 7) Working with Strings
Assembly Primer for Hackers (Part 8) Unconditional Branching
Assembly Primer for Hackers (Part 9) Conditional Branching
Assembly Primer for Hackers (Part 10) Functions
Assembly Primer for Hackers (Part 11) Functions Stack
. after then cams ..this !!!

The links to the different parts:
Part 1 (Smashing the stack)
Part 2 (Writing exit shellcode)
Part 3 (Executing shellcode)
Part 4 (Disassembling execve)
Part 5 (shellcode for execve)
Part 6 (exploiting a program)
Part 7 (exploiting a program: demonstration)
Part 8 (return to libc theory)
Part 9 (return to libc theory: demonstration)

Videos 1-4 have to do with basic system calls, mov commands,
you make a hello world program and then video 3 is all about using gdb

(Viveks tutorial is the best i***8217;ve seen)

Videos 5-11 are all about more indepth mov commans, creating variables and examining memory layout and values with gdb.
This is all very useful but just watching the videos is not enough!
You need to go through and do it along with him,
you have to write the programs(even though he says you can download them) and you need to get assembly in your fingers.

Think of great athletes, they didn***8217;t get great by watching sports on TV ***8211;
they went out and did the real thing ***8211;

Exact same concept with computers ***8211;

Practice practice practice.

Last edited by Tomi_099; 07-03-11 at 08:51 AM.
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