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Old 06-26-11, 03:58 PM   #1533
Black Magic
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RAOBF is in my UIs mod (and so is the attack disk). Once in a scope view click on the RAOBF button in the torpedo box (upper left of screen).

As far as including another UI mod in my mega-mod not going to happen. If I were to do it (and I won't) then you would lose:
- real navigation
- nav fixes (for real navigation - gives ability to add text to the marks also)
- radio messages (and upcoming campaign radio messages)
- Automation (allows player to define scripts that can be ran in-game. Can be used for automating tasks)
- Tutorials (subset of Automation - allows onscreen in-game tutorials so player can learn by using the mod/game)
- follow target (and upcoming follow target offset)
- speed finder (has navigator calculate speed and avg speed based on time that follow target is engaged)
- ability to use mousewheel for setting items
- draggable items position stored at game end and reset at game start. Keeps items where player placed them
- scope settings (can change scope filters on fly specifying any combination of red, green, and blue and ability to specify alpha component to achieve the desired filter effect)
- options file so one can configure the mod how they want
- hotkeys (defined via options file)
- SOAN (vastly enhanced rec manual)
- ability to choose 3 different UI styles (via options file)
- Ship's Journal (along with app that allows you to edit/create journals offline)
- Supermarks (just like regular nav map marks but you can specify color and add text to them)
- Navigator assist (navigator can calculate speed, avg speed, AOB, course, and avg course for player based on range readings taken)
- Destroyed marks
- ability to add new sounds to game without modifying the Sh.sdl file (radio messages feature uses this)
- ability to capture ANY mouse button and call functions when a specified button is pressed/released/clicked
- automatic mast height insertion when locked target is identified (fixes mast height bug of game without need for player interaction)
- high precision timer for timing (allows for many of the advanced features of the mod)

and that just names a few. My mega-mod is centered around my UIs mod. There are mega-mods out that use Reaper7's UI

Last edited by TheDarkWraith; 06-26-11 at 04:41 PM.
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