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Old 06-25-11, 07:36 PM   #325
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: U-32's Wintergarten
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Gefreiter Tinman casually walks into the kitchen... empty, good... now where are you hiding... ah! there, a nice big bottle of Schnaps, perfect for what I have in mind.
Hiding the bottle inside his coat he heads out into the courtyard, past the armorey. "The Oberst told me to check in my weapon before I leave camp. But I really would feel much better with it at my side.. besides, who would unlock the door for me now? I bet the Herr Rear has already turned in anyway."
As he passes through the gate house he sees Gemeiner AVGWarhawk in the garden, tending to his crops.

"Good evening, Herr AWGWarhawk! I look forward to another meal with your fine vegetables!"

Following the path toward the dock, the guard tower quickly comes into view.

"Hello up there!" No answer. "Hello?" Still nothing

Muttering under his breath Tinman climbs the steps into the tower, "if your asleep in here, so help me..." It's empty, nobody is guarding the submarine.
"So much for needing the Schaps!" It's too awkward to carry any further, so he leaves the bottle in the observation deck of the guard tower. "Whoever is up here next will have a nice surprise." He climbs down and boards the British submarine through one of the open aft hatches.

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