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Old 11-09-05, 04:17 PM   #1
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Default HF sonar , is it hard coded to give "+" marker on

anyone know if in real life the HF sonar gives more info than it doeas in game?
I have tried to change the database to make the HF sonar have 3 trackers and report the Speed, Course, baring, range and depth. basicaly everything. I was hoping making these changes would make the HF sonar give a normal contact on nav map instad of the "+" that it gives now. I am guessing in real life the HF sonar could give range and depth and course and speed can be seen by looking at it.
Anyhow this didnt work so i expect that the HF sonar is hard coded to only gice "+" marker in nav map.
I was thinking that range and other info from HF sonar would be just what is needed for a close range Shikval attack.
Can anyone confirm what data a HF sonar would give in real life? Also can anyone confirm that the "+" marker is hard coded and not changable from database alone?
Joseph,Gary Winters
ICQ : 259-346-534
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