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Old 04-13-11, 04:46 PM   #122
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Originally Posted by LGN1 View Post
Hi Rubini and Wreford-Brown!

thanks for your reply. I agree it's quite difficult to test something that is related to the AI behavior (a good example for this is that quite a few players thought that the depth-charge disturbance effect is modeled in stock SH3 although it's not). Because it's so difficult I tried to create/find a test set-up as clean as possible. In addition, I compared the behavior of a 'real' player's bold and the artificial ones.

My results so far are:

- A player's bold with the same parameters as the 'depth-charge bold' definitely influences the AI differently. At least in the simple/clean set-ups I tested. It might be different in more complex situations, but I don't see why this should be.

- I tested a wide range of different parameter values for the 'depth-charge bold' (even a 'ridiculously large value' as TDW recommended) and did not observe any difference.

Although these observations are no proof, I think they are a quite strong indications that something is still missing (especially if one takes into account the older observations that spawning 'player items' like torpedoes,... is not straight-forward). Maybe a good test would be to spawn torpedoes via TDW's method and see how they behave

Anyway, I will continue testing and hope that some else also runs some tests and proves that I'm wrong. I really would like to have depth-charge water disturbances.

Cheers, LGN1
So this means Ive been going to flank speed until the last Depth Charge explodes for nothing? And all this time I thought they couldn't hear me
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