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Old 04-08-11, 12:07 PM   #9
Molon Labe
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Originally Posted by Gargamel View Post
Try this on for size though.... Totally hypothetical, but of course this would be the forum where it would actually get noticed ().

What about a long range cruise missile torpedo? Ie, a Tomahawk tipped with a short range torpedo.

With ACTUV, there's no reason to move assets into a position where they could take return fire. Even the best sneak attack in sub warfare allows for some reaction time and a snap shot in return. If ACTUV is tracking a target, why couldn't they launch a torpedo on a cruise missile, and allow ACTUV to guide it to the target?
I don't think that's a bad idea at all. Like a modern day Silex that can actually hit something. It makes even more sense when you consider that TACTOMs already have man-in-the-loop retargeting ability, so any course changes that the target makes during the missile's flight can be compensated for.
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