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Old 03-12-11, 08:16 PM   #3089
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Originally Posted by Walruss View Post
just got bqack into SH4 to break up the uboat action a little, installed TMO cause i hear good things, loaded up a campaign when I'm greeted by a familiar sight...

Why is the Kriegsmarine supplying the band to send me off? Seriously, sitting in pearl harbour, about to leave, and it's these dudes with blue uniforms sporting trombones and the kriegsmarine eagle...

EDIT: My hydrophone works on the surface (well i can hear water and my own engines anyway) and It SEEMS like I have a radar- at least air search - but neither of the radar screens turn on.
dec 8 1941, porposie class out of pearl harbour. Are the sensors buggered or....?

EDIT: Just checked out my gear 'this set does allow for detection while surfaced' - lol I'm not on a type VII no more!
Originally Posted by Walruss View Post
no, don't have OM installed at all-

Also. My boat just stopped. Pleanty of fuel, no damage... just the crew decided it was time for a fishing break. If I order a speed, they respond 'cannot comply'. Lazy buggers don't know there's a war on!
Welcome back to the PTO Commander .

Could you list what all you have installed as far as mods? Do you have SH4 Uboat Missions 1.5? The latest version is required with TMO 2.1

Yes you sensors are working properly. All ship classes with the exception of the S-18 class had their WGA Hydraphones installed on the "chin" of the bow as described in TMO 2.1's readme. Because of this you will have limited surface detection with it (5,000 yds surface/10,000 yds or 5nms while submerged). So yes you hydros are indeed working properly.

When you reload a save the ship for whatever reason goes to all stop, make a course correction on the nav map. Simply click the course plotter button and then reset the course (no actual changes need to be made). This should solve this issue. Or as AVG stated call them to battle stations and the secure from them and this should wake those lazy sailors up! This unfortunately is a stock SH4 issue.

Best of luck on the Tokyo Express!
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