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Old 03-12-11, 08:27 AM   #3078
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Originally Posted by jldjs View Post
I see the same thing re white ship outlines at long distance playing TMO 2.1. At night I have to look hard to find targets as my screen is fairly dark. I'm not helping you but you are not alone. Attacked on surface recently at night against Akita, Ryuun, and tug, but now I'm NOT looking forward to meeting a DD. I play easier AI mod now so I can complete missions and learn.
Thanks for the "heads up" on those long shot DDs.
What all do you have installed with TMO 2.1? I'm wondering if we have more files in common. I do not recall the white smoke in 2.0, or the overbearing darkness.

What type of GFX do you have? I have an NVIDEA Geforce Go 7900 GS. Maybe if we can figure out what we have in common as far as mods we can narrow it down.

Thanks for speaking up though! It does help, now we know this issue is something we can reproduce seeing as we both have it.
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